Wednesday, October 2, 2013

6 V - Persistence - Are you persistant?

6 V – Persistence
Persistence is when you keep trying as hard as you can to accomplish something.  Usually this is something that is difficult to do, and it requires a lot of effort, despite any obstacles you may face.  This relates to the reading I did on Angela Duckworth and the Research of “Grit”.  I believe that persistence and grit are similar, as both show what kind of person you are and how willing you are to carry on, until you achieve your goal.

Insurmountable is when something is too difficult to overcome.  I believe this directly relates to persistence. Nothing is insurmountable when you have the motivation and persistence to accomplish it, if it means enough to you.
Persevere is to push forward and keep trying even when you do not see any success in the task in which you are trying to accomplish.  This relates to delayed gratification, as it may be something you have to wait for to see the results, but it is worth it to preserve.

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